No More Shortcuts: Realizing the Potential of Temporal Self-Supervision
AAAI 2024 (Main Technical Track)

1Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida, USA,
2Adobe Research, USA
* Work done as an intern at Adobe Research, USA.


Temporal pretext tasks are a great way of learning video self-supervised representation; however, they are too easy to solve for Video Transformers. Our contribution is as follows:

  • Breaking local-patch based shortcuts in the temporal pretext tasks to promote high-level motion features (i.e., how an entire actor/object moves in the video), which help in learning both semantic-level action-related features and low-level object/pose-related features.
  • Proposing more challenging frame-level temporal pretext tasks over traditional clip-level tasks.

What's new over other Video self-supervised methods?

  • Suitable for both high-level semantic tasks like video retrieval, action classification, and video attribute recognition (such as object and scene identification) and low-level temporal correspondence tasks like video object segmentation and pose tracking.
  • Does not require full-finetuning - Absolute SoTA on Video Retrieval and Linear Video Classification. Most suitable for video search applications!
  • Provides amazing frame-level video representations (not just video-level)!

Low-Level Temporal Correspondence based Downstream Tasks

Video Object Segmentation (VOS)

We follow the semi-supervised protocol of DAVIS-2017 [43], where the object masks of the first frame of a video are given, and the task is to predict the masks in the rest of the frames. No layers are tuned on this task. frame.

Video Object Segmentation on DAVIS-2017.
Pretraining J&F-Mean J-Mean F-Mean
ST-MAE 53.5 52.6 54.4
VideoMAE 53.8 53.2 54.4
MotionMAE 56.8 55.8 57.8
SVT 48.5 46.8 50.1
Ours (ViT-B) 62.1 60.5 63.6

Human Pose Propagation

In this protocol, the key points of the human pose are given for the first frame, and the task is to predict the location of those key points in the subsequent frames. We employ pre-trained video SSL model without any further tuning.

High-level Semantics based Downstream Tasks

Video-to-Video Retrieval

We perform video retrieval experiments to demonstrate the suitability of our features for semantic video similarity search, no finetuning is allowed. Following prior works [9, 13, 21], the test set of each dataset is used as a query-set, and the training set is considered as a search-set. We report Top-1 and Top-5 retrieval accuracy. frame.

Multi-label Video Attributes Recognition

Holistic Video Understanding (HVU) [12] is a large-scale benchmark addressing multi-label and multi-task video understanding of multiple semantic aspects, including scenes, objects, actions, attributes, and concepts. We train different linear classifiers over frozen features and report results in mean average precision (mAP).

Example from HVU dataset.

Downstream on HVU dataset.
Method Action Obj. Scene Event Attr. Concept Overall
SVT 38.48 30.35 30.97 37.87 28.20 35.64 33.58
ρBYOL 33.20 25.82 28.40 35.50 24.16 33.21 30.05
VideoMAE 27.49 23.36 24.56 29.78 21.04 28.75 25.83
Ours (ViT-B) 38.65 33.46 34.24 40.23 30.99 38.38 35.99


      title={No More Shortcuts: Realizing the Potential of Temporal Self-Supervision},
      author={Dave, Ishan and Jenni, Simon and Shah, Mubarak},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},